How to Survive Being Ill – 6 Tips

Autumn has started! both getting really excited But this also means we get ill more easily. And being ill is the worst! But we tried to come up with six tips to make the whole recovering process such a little less.


We all know that sleep is a very important part of recovering from being ill. It really helps to get back on your feet. So when you are ill, use the time to recover from your sleep deprivation. You will probably also feel better after a couple of hours of sleep. And also don’t stress too mich about work you still have to do. There is no point in forcing your body to keep going on when you are poorly and really too weak to do anything. The quality of your work will suffer and in the long run it is better to just take a break, get healthy and then work again with full force.

Get comfy

Stay in bed, put on comfy clothing, fuzzy socks and a big jumper, add loads of blankets and pillows and take a warm hot-water bottle. Since it is the best to stay in bed and sleep you can also make the healing process as comfy as possible by adding all of those things. And keep the warmth in your bed.


It is finally autumn and this means blankets and tea. Whenever I (Helena) am ill, I love to drink tea and add a lot honey since it helps with a sore throat (I finally have an excuse to add way too much honey ;)!). I (Caroline) drink tea all the time anyway, but obviously also when I am ill. I think this might be placebo effect, but for me tea definitely makes everything better, even headaches and stuffy noses.

Netflix and food

When you are not sleeping, you can watch movies on Netflix, watch YouTube videos and eat. I personally prefer rather healthy food or fruit rather than junk food when I am ill, but it is up to you what you want to eat. My grandmother used to serve me oranges with lots of sugar when I was ill as a child and I still love to eat this. Oranges also contain a lot of vitamins, which help rebuilding your immune system. I (Caroline) am usually not very hungry when I am ill. And not eating that much might be fine for the first one or two days, but then your body needs the nutrition to get better. My favourite “ill-food” is soup. I love to eat alphabet soup because it really reminds me of when I was little and it just tastes really good. I also really like tomato soup. The good thing about soup is that you can make it a salty or mild as you want and I really like that.

Complain about everything

One of the perks of being ill is definitely complaining! We both love complaining (obviously just about silly stuff and for fun, we know how fortunate we are), so being ill is the perfect excuse. You can tell your friends how much your head hurts, how bored you are, how lame that TV show was you watched this morning because you had nothing better to do and so on and so on… And they pretty much have to feel sorry for you because you’re ill and all.

Quality time 

When we are ill, we both like having people around. Not only does this make being confined to your bed a bit less boring, but given they do not have too much to do, it gives you the possibility to catch up with them and just have some time together. Also when you’re ill (but not feeling too horrible) you can use all that extra time to write emails to long forgotten friends or call your best friend from primary school that you have not seen for ages. Also, you can totally get away with ordering people around when you’re ill.


Hope you get better soon!

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Helena and Caroline